DUSHANBE, Tajikistan, November 29. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) notes that Tajikistan’s economy sustained strong...
Paris (15/11 – 75) Sri Lanka has reached an agreement with the China Exim bank on the principles and terms of a $4.2 billion debt settlement, the...
The baby is hospitalized. Medical workers from Nyagan and specialists from the territorial Rospotrebnadzor carried out the necessary anti-epidemiological...
For illegal transactions with land. During 2020-2022 and the first half of 2023, Tajik prosecutors issued 8,435 orders and 4,066 prosecutorial protests against...
In the future, the UN Children’s Fund in Tajikistan will strengthen its support to the Khatlon region in the implementation of social programs and will make a...