Not everything has worked but few other nations would have had the temerity to stage an opening in such fashion Let’s face it, it was a failure. The rain, as...
SYNOPSIS A common criticism of Israel’s military campaign in Gaza is that Hamas is an idea, and because an idea cannot be defeated, it is futile to fight Hamas...
Paris/Jakarta (24/7 – 28.57). “Coffee is the common man’s gold, and like gold, it brings to every person the feeling of luxury and...
Rome (9/07 – 66.7) Fortune-telling is now a criminal act in the Central Asian states of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, amidst the teetering economies. The...
Kiev (20 July – 85.17) Battles are expected to be fierce. Contacts in Brussels speak of preparation of a renewed push of the Ukrainian forces to push the...